Pocket Knife Set - Design and Elegance First

Knives Pocket is the first actual result of the company's long-term cooperation with the leading Czech design studio Olgoj Chorchoj. In  2014 a meeting decided to launch a knife that would be simple, timeless and elegant, without compromising the quality of the processing and the materials used.

Is the assumption “the Harder the Steel the Better the Knife” always valid?

It is, but not entirely. The quality of the knife is derived mainly from its blade. In order for the blade to last, and the knife not to dull or break quickly, the material must not only be hard but also tough - that is to say, resistant to plastic and elastic deformation.

The Story behind the Birth of Predator

A young developer, Vladimir Trojan, knocked at the door of the Mikov's director's office in the 1970s. He had a busy night in the workroom, and he was tired. The director was used to his morning arrivals, as Vladimir usually worked on new products overnight.

Sweden - a Country in Northern Europe Where We Can Meet Together

Sweden is a Scandinavian Nordic country with a rich history. There was a time, in fact, when its history intersected with our history - during the Thirty Years' War Swedish troops (unsuccessfully) besieged Prague and Brno. But that's now history.

The magic behind the name “Martfrost”

The Czechoslovak patent number 119692, published by the Czech metallurgical expert Jaroslav Jech, is the brains behind the mysterious name Martfrost. The essence of the patent is that the steel is heated to a quenching temperature of 1050-1010° C, then cooled in water to 250-300 ° C and immediately transferred to a nitrogen vapor bath.

Central European Legend UTON

UTON is an Czech abbreviation that is used for Army Attack Knife no. 75, used by soldiers of the former Czechoslovak People's Army. There it served explorers, parachutists and socialist airmen who stood on the opposite side of the Cold War than the legendary James Bond, to self-defense and the silent liquidation of enemies.

Why is Predator Blackout Black?

The first answer to this question could be that it is primarily a matter of design, however this is not the case. In fact, the sleek black blade design is just a side effect of the DLC coating that covers all the metal parts of the knife. And while DLC coatings are produced in other colors, black is the primary color.

Proč jen nové nože, jako je List nebo Patron, mají pouzdra z kydexu

Že je pevné nože třeba přenášet v pouzdrech, zejména kvůli vlastní bezpečnosti, je každému jasné. Po staletí byla tato pouzdra vyráběná z pevné kůže, na kterou dodnes někdo nedá dopustit. Ale s postupujícím technickým pokrokem se na scénu dostávají i materiály nové, moderní. Mezi ty nejpopulárnější patří kydex.

Otázky před koupí loveckého nože

V naší nabídce je celá řada loveckých nožů - například zavírací Fixir nebo Hunter anebo typy s pevnou čepelí. Jak si ale přesně pro vaše účely vybrat ten správný? Protože lovecké nože se kupují na hodně dlouhou dobu, někdy vlastně skoro na celý život, je třeba vše dobře zvážit. Věříme, že když si odpovíte na následující otázky, pomůže vám to správně si zvolit.